Do you like spicy food?
What would you do when you are having spicy burn in you mouth?
Now, i am telling you one way to relieve it!!
The neutralizer of spicy food ---- MILK
Milk actually will relieve the burn on our tongue more effectively than water.
The reason for this is because the burn is caused by a chemical called capsaicin in the spices.
Capsaicin, 8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide,
(CH3)2CHCH=CH(CH2)4CONHCH2C6H3-4-(OH)-3-(OCH3) is the active component of chili peppers. It produces a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact.
Capsaicin makes the body to release a substance called P, it is a neurotransmitter that tells the brain that we are in pain. The more we eat food with capsaicin in it, the more resistant we are to substance P.
Substance P eventually gets depleted from our body and eating hot peppers or other hot food doesn't bother us as much as it did before.
That is why some people can eat a lot of hot spiced food and it does not bother them like it would someone who does not eat hot food.
A fun fact about Capsaicin is it can release endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that can make us feel good, that is why some people claim that spicy foods can be addictive. :)
Then why is the milk can be used to neutralize the spicy burn? Here is the reason!
A chemical in milk, casein disengages the capsaicin and allows it to be washed away.Casein is a protein that is found in milk and used independently in many foods as a binding agent.
Casein is a compound that has a chemical structure that attracts capsaicin and pulls it off of your tongue so your mouth doesn't feel so hot.
Technically, it is part of a group called phosphoproteins, collections of proteins bound to something containing phosphoric acid. This is why milk is the neutralizer for spicy foods.
That's why it can cool down the burn!! Next time remember grab the milk when you feel spicy, instead of water!
Wow, this is a useful article for me. I wonder....what if it is our hands that is feeling the burning feeling after deseeding the chillies. Can the burning sensation be stopped by dipping the hands in milk?